
Three Reasons Why You Need A Book Marketing Plan

 A book marketing plan is a critical component to success as a published author. Yet many authors tend to skimp on taking the time to put one together. For one, they may feel that putting together a marketing plan for their book is time-consuming. Or, they may simply find the process too confusing. In this article, you will learn three reasons why you need a book marketing plan if you plan to succeed as an author. Book marketing is important in crafting a strategy to getting your books in front of the right readers. It is important to know exactly how you plan to get your books read. 1. A smart marketing strategy will help you to define opportunities that are available to you in your chosen book niche. You will be able to identify these opportunities because you will have to do research while crafting your plan. This research may include locating book clubs that read books in your niche, finding magazines that you could possibly advertise your book in, and so forth. 2. A book mark...

Two Things Self-Publishing Authors Must Do

 Think back to the last time you were in a bookstore. How did you choose a book to read? Sure you have your favorite sections, but chances are you looked at the front cover, back cover, and (if you are the thorough type) inside the jacket. If you look around the store, you will see everybody else choosing books the same way. The whole process takes two to five seconds. If you are self publishing, you may be tempted to skimp on some parts of the book publishing process. The way people choose books to read in a bookstore teaches self-publishers something very important. There are two areas in self publishing that does not pay to do cheaply; the cover art and the title. Devote some time to finding the right cover artist for your book. If you do an internet search for "book cover design" you will get a host of websites and freelancers that offer professional cover design services. Spend some time looking at their galleries and any previous work they've published. After you...

Reviews For Other Authors

 If you're writing non-fiction books, you should be reading non-fiction books . Why? You might ask, and you know I'm going to tell you... If you're writing non-fiction, you'll want to read in the area you're writing, to make sure your content is fresh, different, and valuable. Don't copy their books. That's NEVER a good idea. But do use their books for inspiration, for publication style, concept delivery, and comparison. Other writers in your industry are a direct link and connection to other readers in your industry. Connect, and befriend writers who actively promote information in the industry! They will be your best assets. Review Their Books - Did you know that writers read every review? They do . They may say they don't, or tell you they don't care about bad reviews, but they do. And even moreso, they read and remember good reviews - and good reviewers. They'll think about the words and thoughts from a good reviewer, and quite often even me...